Those who are born in a Christian land, and who never were the subjects of gross infidelity, stand in no less need of being thus convinced that others. Nay, in some respects they need it more. Their unbelieving opposition to Christ is more subtle, refined, and out of sight, than that of open infidels: they are less apt, therefore, to suspect themselves of it: and consequently stand in greater need of the Holy Spirit to search them out, and show them to themselves. Amongst those who constantly sit under the gospel, and who remain in an unconverted state, there are few who think themselves the enemies of Christ. On the contrary, they flatter themselves that they are willing at any time to be converted, if God would but convert them: considering themselves as lying at the pool for the moving of the waters. But “when he, the Spirit of truth, cometh,” these coverings will be stripped off the face, and these refuges of lies will fail.