With graduation behind me, this summer I’m not taking any courses (unlike last summer, when I crammed a year’s worth of Hebrew into 10 weeks). So my plan is to spend most of my time with a book in my hands. These are the books that I’m either already digging into, or are on my to-read list this summer.
- John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, Jonathan Aitken
- History of the English Calvinistic Baptists, Robert W. Oliver
- Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation, E. Gordon Rupp and Philip S. Watson
- Blessed are the Balanced, Paul E. Pettit and R. Todd Mangum
- From Heaven He Came and Sought Her, David Gibson and Jonathan Gibson
- The Craft of Research, 3rd ed., Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph H. Williams
- Exemplary Life, Andy Chambers
- The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller, with a Memoir of his Life, Andrew Fuller
- Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Ludwig Ott
- Andrew Fuller: Model Pastor-Theologian, Paul Brewster