Lloyd-Jones, Martyn. Setting Our Affections Upon Glory. Wheaton, IL.: Crossway, 2013. 173 pp. $15.99.
In Setting Our Affections Upon Glory, nine sermons from Lloyd-Jones’ final trip to the United States are published for the first time, demonstrating to a new generation the homiletic mastery of “The Doctor.” These sermons, delivered at the Pensacola Theological Institute in 1969, are saturated with exegetical insight and seasoned with pastoral wisdom.
In expositional form, these sermons address topics related specifically to the gospel and the church that are just as cogent in our day as in his. He reminds his hearers that the ultimate test of faith is not our response to times of plenty, but in times of loss. He argues that the church generally must be built upon doctrine, because otherwise, “it is not Christian fellowship. It is carnal fellowship. It is merely human fellowship” (56). In fact, he states that “there is nothing more dangerous to the true life of the church than reversing this order and putting fellowship before doctrine” (58).
This little book is a wonderful addition to any collection of sermons. It serves as a fantastic introduction into the masterful preaching of Lloyd-Jones, but more importantly has the capability of transforming the way we think about the gospel and the church.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Setting Our Affections Upon Glory
I received this book free from the publisher through Crossway book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.