I asked on twitter two days ago: “What are your preparation essentials? translations, commentaries, computer apps?”
I received some good insight. Some guys are completely digital and live and die by their laptops. Others are completely literary and seek to be surrounded by various books and authors.
But there exists a few from my generation who are stuck somewhere in the middle. Computer applications and tools were available, but at a steep price when I was in college. So I learned primarily to use written books and such, while developing a personal preference on how to incorporate digital tools “on the go.”
So, everyone has their own methods and preferences. I thought that I would go ahead and show you my phase 1. I start out with a reading from my Holman Christian Standard Bible, and also read in The Message to help discover any nuances or just to read in a more contemporary English. From there, I begin to look into my New American Standard Study Bible notes. Of course, I begin to sketch out the direction that God leads the message in my trusty moleskin.
Then I step in with Wordsearch 7.0, and move to commentaries and Bible Dictionaries to help gain more insight.
Now that I’ve shown you mine, show me yours.
What are your preparation essentials?