Dr. Emerson Eggerichs’ book on marriage, Love and Respect, is based on one primary thought: she desires unconditional love above all else, and he desires unconditional respect. Whenever that desire is unmet, we typically respond by withholding the very thing our spouse desires most. Dr. Eggerichs calls this The CRAZY Cyle.
He writes that the only way that a couple can get off of that CRAZY Cycle is by someone choosing to show that which their spouse desires most without condition. The idea is that no spouse acts maliciously with mean intentions, but rather we spend out entire marriages reacting and responding to one another.
What if we chose to give our loved one what they desire most regardless of their actions toward us?
I thought this book had a lot of really good ideas and suggestions for how to treat our spouse, even if the book seemed a little wordy.
Ultimately, I thought this was a very good book, and would recommend to anyone with a desire to get off of the CRAZY Cycle of merely responding to their spouse, but wanting to take the initiative and build a stronger marriage.
This book was reviewed as part of the Book Review Blogging Program with Thomas Nelson.