This week, while reading Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s sermon, “Prayer Certified of Success,” I found this quote stood out.
“But how am I to know that I am saved?” saith one.
God saith, “He that believeth and is baptised, shall be saved.” Hast thou believed, hast thou been baptised? If so, thou art saved. How know I that? On the best evidence in all the world: God says thou art – dost thou want any evidence but that?
“I want to feel this.”
Feel! Are thy feelings better than God’s witness? Wilt thou make God a liar by asking more signs and tokens than His sure word of testimony? I have no evidence this day that I dare trust in concerning my salvation but this, that I rest on Christ alone with all my heart, and soul, and strength.
Prayer Certified of Success: A sermon preached by Charles Haddon Spurgeon on January 19, 1873 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
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I have a similar problem. I have been tormented for many months with the feeling that God is coming and I may not be saved. I have asked God for forgiveness and repented. I hope I am saved because God says in the Bible that whoever goes to Him shall be saved. I don’t feel any different and sometimes have very little faith but I still hope that He may change my heart and forgive me even of my own repentance. I look too much to myself to see if I can feel something or have a sign of salvation. So how do I know if I am saved if I don’t feel so passionate and loving about God? I want to change and don’t want to live in this unbelief anymore but I can’t on my own. God has to do that work.
The good news is that no one has ever wanted to be saved that has not been. Though we may not always feel it, if we long for it, we can be assured of it.
May God return to you the joy of your salvation.