I don’t deny that Rick Warren and the Purpose-Driven philosophy of ministry had an incredible impact on my life and ministry. I wouldn’t be the man, Christian, or pastor I am today apart from it’s influence.
And yet today, I would place the ministry of John Piper in an even higher esteem. His books, sermons, and teachings have greatly influenced me theologically and opened entirely new depths of doctrine for me to explore.
In this clip, Piper asks Warren to clarify the importance of doctrine, and Warren describes the difference between being “deep” and “muddy.”
My question is not, “Who do you like more; Piper or Warren?” but instead is to consider where the delineation is between being “deep or muddy?” Is it as simple as Warren says? Or is there more to it than that? Do words matter? Would we say that it’s acceptable to teach 12 weeks on the incarnation without ever using the word?
Let’s hear it.