Kitchen, John, Colossians and Philemon for Pastors. Wheaton, Ill.: Kress Biblical Resources, 2013. 474 pp. $29.99.
This past summer, I took upon the task of preaching through the book of Colossians. (See the resources I used in doing so here.) This week, I’m preparing a sermon on the closing verses of Paul’s letter and felt it necessary to mention a wonderful resource that has served me well in this endeavor. John Kitchen’s Colossians and Philemon for Pastors has proven to be an exceptional commentary that I found myself returning to time and again throughout this series.
Upon opening the book, Kitchens’ knowledge and experience with Colossians becomes apparent. This was the first book of Scripture that he had preached through expositionally, and since that time he has maintained a fantastic annotated bibliography that would be worth the cost of the book itself. He is comfortable and capable in the Greek text, and it comes through on each page.
The book discusses the text of Colossians phrase-by-phrase and verse-by-verse, repeatedly drawing out Paul’s emphases. Throughout his text, Kitchens’ shares pastoral insight through brief “Ministry Maxims” and provides points of application for the reader, the pastor, and for the congregation. Drawing upon his study of Paul’s letter, Kitchens’ provides an exegetical outline, along with multiple preaching options – including a single-sermon through the text, a short sermon series, and a much longer sermon series.
Should you take the yoke of preaching through Colossians upon your shoulders, I highly recommend you take advantage of this resource. You will not regret it.
John Kitchen, Colossians and Philemon for Pastors
I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.