Characteristics of Movements

I’m still thinking through this blog post from Acts 29. They describe movements as having these characteristics:

1. Young people are often at the center of the movement
2. High conversion rate comes with a movement
3. Church planting is at the forefront of a true movement of God. God loves the church; Jesus died for the church.
4. Movements tend to be unaware of their external influence because they are busy
doing what God’s given them to do.
5. Supporting organizations come up – records made, books published, counseling ministries, etc.
6. Movements often come with a transition in technology (Gutenberg press;
Reformation). Today; internet.
7. Visible movement leaders rise up. God puts his hand on certain people to lead.

I find it interesting, though not surprising due to my youth ministry roots, that young people are given major roles.

What stands out to you? What do you see in your context? What do you disagree with?

Or more importantly, how do we seek God and lead our churches to participate in a movement of God?

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