By now you know that I like books. I really like books. And I love the church. So, naturally, I’m thrilled to begin reading Shannon O’Dell’s new book, Transforming Church in Rural America.
Sure, I pastor a church in NE Wichita and have lived in some other great cities: Corpus Christi and Austin. But as a guy who grew up on a 300+ acre cattle ranch near (not in, but near) a small town of about 800 people in northeast Texas, I have a heart for seeing God move in powerful ways in rural contexts as well.
Shannon O’Dell has been on my radar for a while, and I’m thrilled to learn from his wisdom and experience leading a movement of God – especially in a rural context where most churches are stagnant and stale at best, or literally dying off.
Now, I love the fact that I get to review books for free – it certainly helps keep my book budget manageable. But New Leaf Publishing Group is making it even sweeter for you, my readers. They’ve offered to give away 50 COPIES of Shannon’s new book FREE! And while I have to post a review for it, they’re not even asking you to do that.
There’s only one thing you have to do. Click here to request your copy. That’s it!
But I’d also like to ask you to do one more thing. Share this on twitter and/or facebook to tell your friends about this freebie!
I’ll be posting a review here on the blog in May once I’ve had the opportunity to read it.
Thanks again to Shannon O’Dell and New Leaf Publishing Group for giving me the opportunity to review this great new book and for giving you the opportunity to get your hands on a copy for free!
UPDATE: The giveaway is now closed. Thanks to all who participated. If you didn’t get a copy, you can still win one when my review is posted on the 15th. Thanks again to New Leaf Publishing for loving our readers!
Thanks for the tip on the book. You might also try The Healthy Small Church: Diagnosis and Treatment for the Big Issues by Dennis Bickers. Its a great read.