An Open Letter to Youth Minister Search Teams

I saw this over at the Reflections blog and had to pass it along. It actually speaks a lot to any selection team or committee in the church world. I’m almost tempted to pass it along in it’s completion when I offer my resume to a church.

Here’s just one of the points. You’d do well to take this jump and check this out. If you’re on one of these teams (pastor, youth pastor, worship pastor, whatever), please take the time to learn some things that are going through all of your candidates’ minds.

5. Respect my time.
This comment goes along with the silence one – as you are going through your process remember that the candidates are waiting to hear back from you. Just because you only want to meet once a month does not make it appropriate to only contact the applicants every other time you meet. Do not drag out the process for any candidate longer than necessary – as soon as you know a candidate is not going to be the right person for the ministry the best thing you can do is let them know.

We, the candidates, are not just waiting to hear back about a job. We are waiting to hear back about the city we will live in, the church our family will attend, and the people we will become friends with. Taking on a new youth ministry position entails all of our life and family. So, as you are considering your decision, please keep this in mind as you keep us abreast of the situation. And please try to meet as a group more than once a month.

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